Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Was just about to log off the net, but You-Tube was making a last minute call. Didn't disappoint me.


Yeah, I have a bloody corny sense of humour.

Monday, 26 May 2008

Me and My Big Mouth

Yep. I got the attack of the damn irritating cough and sore throat. So bad I felt like reaching in and really giving my throat a damn good scratch. Like how a dog thumps its’ tail when you give it a good scratch behind the ears. I mean, you get the picture.

I have been hacking my throat out since last week, and haven’t really got the energy to do anything else except zone out from the medications. Hey, wait-a-minute, I have been zoning out even without the help of the meds. Heheh, I guess I was more spaced out, then.

The kids thought it was hilarious that mummy dearest lost her voice. So they pretty much tried to ruled the roost. The operative word being tried. Cos I would ultimately catch up with them, and in my raspiest voice, give them a piece of my mind. Didn’t work much, coz half the time while disciplining, I was hacking my lungs out till I was teary.

To make matters worse, I started to leak. No shame in it. I admit it. Kegel didn’t really work for me. Took too much effort. Heh. Dammit! I felt so handicapped! Everytime I wanted to let out a big cough, I have to make sure I am seated. You get what I mean, girls.

And I tell you, nothing brings on a migraine attack like a bad coughing session! I felt like the left side of my head was held in a tight hold. Like being held in a vice-like grip. It took all of my self control to walk in a straight line and not be seen like a drunk. Cos for me, when it hits really, really bad, I have to be guided by walls to get around.


That didn’t stop me from hauling the kids to the Night Safari last Friday. I know, very irresponsible of me. But what the heck. I had fun. They had fun. That’s what matters most. And the most important point of it all, they were totally bushed after the trip, they fell asleep like angels. No pillowfights, no arguments over who gets which pillows or which bed to sleep on. Oh yeah, the small one can be quite feisty. And a sneaky fighter.

And I loaded my system with the necessary drugs and got knocked out until nearly 10.30am the next day.

Serves me right. But I deserve it.
Even when I'm sick and depressed, I love life.
Arthur Rubinstein

Monday, 19 May 2008

Stupid... Stupider... Stupidest...

Was just trying to kill boredom. Found this.

You figure out who the dimwit was in the first place.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

All's Well That Ends Well... I think

Yeah, I know… it’s been a loooong time since I last updated my blog. For a moment, I kinda forgot my url/login/password. Again. Blur babe.

Its 11.24pm as I switched on the laptop. Finally, got the kids to settle down and go to bed. Even with bibik, they can be quite a handful. Both of them.

April was an eventful month for me. And for the family. Went to the neuro, got new meds. Was ok for a while. But a few days back got such a massive attack I had to hold to walls to make my way to the kitchen to take my meds. It was that excruciating. That was how bad my migraine attacks were before my meds were “upgraded”. And those kinds of attacks averaged about once a week.

Where shall I start with the family? The kids were knocked out with the flu superbug, I was a stay-at-home mum for a solid week. They both hit the forties till they hallucinated. Heheh, kinda scared me, those episodes. Yep, both of them. The irritating thing was, the temps usually peaked at 2-3am in the morning. I was up all night alternating between the both of them. I was a walking zombie the whole week. Just as they were on the mend, bibik succumbed to it too. I was a regular at the GP that week. I guess I was running on pure adrenaline the whole freaking week. Till now, I am still trying to catch up on my zzzzzs.

Since I had no alternative but to stay at home to assist bibik with the kids, I called the office to re-delegate the projects for the week. And guess what, the super-duper engineer was so reluctant to take on extra jobs he tried to weasel his way out of it. Even suggesting that I come into the office for just a few hours every day just to make sure things are moving. WTF! If I am showing my face in the office for a few hours, I might as well stay there the whole day, right? (Ok, I am beginning to rant here.) I told him off in my most calm voice – took a whole lot of effort – that my kids are the priority at the moment, and they need me at the moment. I pretty much explained in detail the whats, wheres, and whys of the various projects that was due that week. And guess what; he only managed to cover just about half. Ok, for a dumbass, I guess that took a whole lot of effort.

Kakak missed two exam papers due to the flu. English and MT composition writing. I hope she does well in the main language papers to make up for it. She was still a little groggy from the meds when she sat for the maths and language papers. Next week is the PTC where I get to meet her form-teacher and see her exam scripts. Though hoping to see great results, I an happy if she just made the passing grade. I guess we just have to work harder during the S2 papers to make up for it.

The thing with this superbug, it takes a long while for the body to shake it off. Kakak and bibik are still coughing and sniffling from it. Adik still has runny snot once in a while when he gets too hyper. I think I got to make another visit to the GP this weekend to really kill off the coughs.

The surprising thing is, Both hubs and I have not fallen sick throughout the whole month. That is a miracle in itself. Cos I am usually the “opener” and “closer” of the flu attacks in the house. (Actually I found a little trick.) Its not about loading up on vitamin c – by then its too late, anyways. Just by chance, my throat was feeling a little scratchy, so I grabbed whatever snacks that was in my locker in the office. 2 miserable mini-packs of sundried raisins. Not the most enticing snacks, you might say. But after whacking both packs and washing it down with about two swigs of water, the itchiness in my throat just disappeared. Like dewdrops in the morning sun. Just like that. And they never came back. So I told myself, perfect little flu busters. And now I always have a few minipacks in my locker. And it took me 33 years to find out about it. Sheesh!

Actually, got loads more to tell you, but the thoughts are like just zipping here there everywhere in my mind that I can’t, no, don’t know where to start. I guess this is what happens when you just…. I don’t know… let the world fly by you?

And oh yeah, Happy Belated Mother’s Day to all mothers. I guess that flew past me too.

(Enjoy the following quotes, I couldn’t decide which was the best.)

Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.
-Elizabeth Stone

At work, you think of the children you have left at home. At home, you think of the work you've left unfinished. Such a struggle is unleashed within yourself. Your heart is rent.
-Golda Meir

There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One is roots; the other, wings.
-Hodding Carter

The most effective form of birth control I know is spending the day with my kids.
-Jill Bensley

There never was a child so lovely, but his mother was glad to get him asleep.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson