After like... ages of not going to a cinema... I caught 3 movies in a fortnight. Overdose. Yah. But they were good movies. Ok lah. Watchable.
CNY eve, for want of an activity to kill boredom, caught “Atonement” with 2 of my galpals at Shaw cinema. Kiera Knightley was in it. Had a good storyline, but I think too much time was spent on the war scenes (not relevant, I felt). That woman got no boobs, man! Not even lime-sized! Washboard flat! Thank gosh she had prominent nipples, or else she could be passed off for a guy. I mean check out her jawbone structure! I mean, yahlah, I was that bored in some parts of the movie to make my mind wander. One of my galpals actually fell asleep n SNORED a little. I had to elbow her a few times throughout the movie. Gotcha, Lin!
Just this past Wednesday I thought of taking time off to myself and watch “Jumper” at Jpt. Actually, I was on lazy leave from the office. Woke up at 7.40, work starts at 8.00. So whaddaya think? But hubs saw me on the website page n decided to book tix online. 9.15 show. Yah. In the pm. Yah. At vivocity. Yah. I thought… omg, I gotta get up early tmr to work, know….
So ok lah. He click, click, click and did the necessary. Then said he wanted to go to the AXS machine to get the tix. I said ok lah fine. Go get it. Spent the afternoon surfing the ‘net for nonsense thingies lah. Brain wasn’t really functioning. 7+, went to vivocity in a cab. Tried again at the AXS machine ar Citibank to get tix. Still cant. So went straight up to GV to get them. When he was at the counter, the staff said, “sir, u booked at GV Grand, not here.” SO… a bit whacked in the face coz overlooked a minor detail… nothing much, practically ran to cab stand ot get cab. Damned! Long q. suggested standing opposite St James. Yep, got cab. Pronto.
Managed to reach GV Grand before cut-off time. Apparently, he booked the gold class category. No wonder it costs $51 in total. And here we were in jeans, flip-flops and suburban scruffy tshirts. Was in my nerd specs and hair off my face with a hair band. No wonder the staff looked at us one kind.
The seats were comfy, blankets were provided, and food and drinks brought to us in the theatre (I think it was a twelve seater theatre). Bloody paying for exclusivity, I think. We didn’t q up at the candy bar to get our stuffs. We went to the lounge where we sat on comfy sofas and minders took our orders. But it was nice lah. Mcm orang suaku sikit!
The movie was nice. Hayden Christiansen nice eye candy, in a way. Samuel L Jackson never disappoints. But this time he played the baddie. No beshhh. Movie kept me awake, the aircon also. Cos even after swaddling myself in my shawl and their blanket, I was still shivering, but teeth not quite chattering yet.
I suggest you watch the movie. Worth the time and money. If you like x-men, you’ll like jumper. Same genre.
Yesterday met up with another of my gerfren. Decided to catch a movie at Cathay Cineleisure. We both had not been to that place in yonks… to the extent we got lost trying to find the ticket counter. Yah lah, blurchicks lah both of us. Actually we planned to watch “PS I Love You”, but after reading reviews, think that “Juno” was a better watch. Actually, hilarious in a serious, weepy kind of way.
You gotta watch it if you can. After the movie, we just need to say the words “division sign, plus sign”, “SunnyD”, orange tictacs”, or the best yet “golden shorts”. We’ll both be laughing our heads off. Well, actually, we were either crying or laughing or both, throughout the whole movie. You watch the movie, you’ll know why.
It’s M18, so if you’re underaged, too bad. Geek guys, don’t miss it. There’s Jennifer Garner. She’s good in my books. And also Jason Bateman. Not that I am a fan. Still looks the same all these years, only a little pudgier.
After movie we went to coffee club @ taka to eat. Hungry mah! This time had no minders to bring food to us, lah, ok. Didn’t eat much, cos there was so much to talk about. Yah, it happens when girls meet. We gossip. Nah. We bitch. About anything and everything. And I think we both still look ok after having 2 kids each, cos I think the wait staff were flirting a little. Wakakakakaka!! Erh, one was when he was taking our orders… toffee-coffee and cheesecake and raspberry coulis for me… delish! Stayed there till about 11, I think, then we drove around a bit, coz we still had loads to upload, decided to hang at starbucks, coz they close at 2am. Talked and talked and talked and talked. Until closing time. Actually we still had loads to talk about, so we are definitely meeting up again soon.
Yeah, Gladys, I make sure we meet up again soon. This time we find a cinema closer to our area. Hubs… stay home and mind the kids for me, thanks.
Btw, got my running shoes. New Balance. In maroon and grey/silver. Sounds icky, but looks nice. And definitely feels good on my feet. Thanks hubs.

You did say you’ll pay for my 24 month gym contract, right? I’ll hold your word to it!
PS : Yayyyy!!!!! Blurchick know how to upload pix oredy!!!!
Two may talk together under the same roof for many years, yet never really meet; and two others at first speech are old friends.
Mary Catherwood